My child has an allergy; can your school accommodate this?

My child has an allergy; can your school accommodate this?

Yes, Ward Preschool is an allergy friendly school. The care and safety of your child is something that we take very seriously.

  • Any child with an anaphylactic food allergy is required to have an EPI-Pen at school with a Food Allergy Action Plan completed by the child’s physician.
  • Snack will be provided by Ward Preschool.  Ward Preschool strives to be a peanut/tree nut free school.  Parents of children in the Extended Day and Young Fives programs are required to provide lunch for their child.  Lunches should be nutritious and peanut/tree nut free.
  • Any outside snacks that are brought in must adhere to our peanut/tree nut free policy. Outside snacks are required to be approved by the Ward Preschool Office before they are allowed to be served in a classroom.
  • From the classroom level, children with allergies have an individualized snack list that is approved by the parent/guardian at the beginning of the school year. Only those snacks on the approved list are served to your child. If your child has a specific allergy that requires specialized snacks, the parent/guardian may provide an alternative snack per doctor documentation, as long as it adheres to our outside snack policy/procedure.